European Commission to provide EUR 31.5 million for eco-innovation

Each year, the European Commission assesses project proposals under the eco-innovation initiative. It then selects the best projects, which it provides with grants for their realisation covering up to 50% of project costs. Grants totalling almost EUR 220 million have been provided to more than 180 projects to date and another almost 50 projects will soon commence based on last year’s call for proposals.

The Commission issued a call for the submission of eco-innovation project proposals for this year on 17 May 2013. Grants totalling EUR 31.5 million will then be divided between the best 45 projects.

The call is primarily intended for small and medium-sized enterprises that have developed an innovative ecological product, procedure or service, but don’t have sufficient funding for its broad introduction on the market. The European Commissioner for the Environment, Janez Potočnik said: “Ecological innovations don’t simply relate to finely specialised ecological companies. Europe’s competitiveness in the coming decades will depend on its ability to overcome limited access to resources. Ecologically innovative companies will be the main factor that enables this transformation of the whole economy. I particularly appeal to small and medium-sized enterprises to submit applications for funding and help Europe further develop its leading position in fields such as water and waste management.”

Projects may fall in any of the following five areas of funding:

• Materials recycling
• Water
• Sustainable building products
• Green business
• Food and drink sector

The deadline for the submission of project proposals is 5 September 2013. Proposals may only be submitted electronically on the prescribed form. European Info Day on ecological innovations, where potential applicants will find essential information on priorities and tips on applying for funding, will be held on May 27 in the Charlemagne Building in Brussels (Belgium).

For more information, please contact K&A partner, Mgr. Jiří Kučera, e-mail:; tel.: +420604242241

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